Tired of Frustrating Stubborn Weight Loss?

Experience Effortless, Lasting Weight Loss, With The BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program - All In Just 30 Days!

Expert Psychological Weight Loss Sessions for Rapid Results.

A simple yet essential approach to a Slimmer NEW you!

Watch This Short Video To Learn More


The #1 Weight Loss Secret That They NEVER Tell You About!

Without it, you will always struggle to be free of that stubborn excess fat and unwanted weight gain.

They ONLY gave you part of the weight loss puzzle, as they want you buying expensive monthly diet plans and pills

So, are you tired of battling with endless diets, workouts, and weight-loss fads that leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted? With BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery, we take a revolutionary approach that focuses on the root cause of weight gain—your mindset - Backed by cutting-edge psychological science, our program trains your mind to make healthier choices automatically, so you can achieve lasting results without stress or sacrifice.

BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery is more than just a diet—it’s a complete mental transformation. Our program is built on proven psychological techniques that target the habits and thought patterns that lead to unhealthy eating and weight gain. By focusing on the brain-body connection, we empower you to reset your relationship with food, exercise, and self-care, making weight management effortless and sustainable. You’ll gain the tools to stay on track for life, and not for just a few weeks.

Your MIND and Body IS The KEY To a

NEW slimmer You

You may have come across or even tried some of the many weight loss products out there, making you naturally cautious...even skeptical. We understand, however keep reading with an open mind, or you will miss out on the psychological solution that you've been looking for.

Our new BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program is based on science fact and decades of training, and has been professionally designed, so that maintaining a slim and healthy body and mind, quickly becomes automatic, and an actual reality for you. Now lets be very clear.

This isn’t some cheap junk weight loss product that wastes your time and ends up in the bin. This is a competitively priced professional program to get you to where you want to be. 

PLUS, we've added some extra special bonuses to accelerate your weight loss success.

Fed Up With Weight Gain?

Your minds (unconscious programming) is telling you to over eat, based on old false beliefs, that keep you gaining weight. You NEED to change this, to have true weight loss success

Sick Of Yo-Yo Dieting?

Hidden bad habits and beliefs in your subconscious mind are sabotaging your success. They MUST be replaced with those that work with you and NOT against you

Diets Failing Yet Again?

Diets fail as they ONLY address your physiology and not your PSYCHOLOGY or mind. An essential difference, as your mind controls your eating habits, and motivation to lose weight

If you answered YES

It's time to change your old approach to dieting


The BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program

This professional program is part of a dual weight loss approach, addressing the important yet often ignored psychological aspect of weight loss.

Though this product can be used on its own to promote weight loss, one of its primary tasks is to make your favorite physical eating plans, diets, supplements and exercise regimes more effective. Thereby effortlessly accelerating your weight loss results!

How It Works:

The BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program uses a multi-faceted approach that combines behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and habit-building techniques to create lasting change. Through our easy-to-follow program, you’ll:

  • Reprogram Your Habits: Learn how to replace unhealthy habits with positive ones through cognitive-behavioral techniques.

  • Master Emotional Eating: Understand the triggers that lead to emotional eating and develop strategies to manage stress without turning to food.

  • Develop Mindfulness: Build awareness of your eating patterns and decisions, helping you make healthier choices effortlessly.

  • Unlock Consistent Motivation: Discover tools to stay motivated and focused, even when life gets busy.

We have a more detailed explanation, and a audio podcast discussion in a section below

Easy To Do:

Simply relax, put on some headphones and listen to our professionally created weight loss audio sessions, and automatically begin to positively retrain your minds relationship with food and much more.

With each session, and day that passes, you will become healthier, happier, and above all slimmer. So, say goodbye to the old overweight part of you, and welcome in, the new slimmer you, and that healthier life style, that you only dreamed of until now.

  • No more weight loss self sabotage

  • No more junk food cravings

  • No more yo yo dieting

  • No more stress related snacking

  • No more self-confidence issue

  • No more calorie counting

  • No more buying expensive diets and supplements


It's not your fault that you are overweight, as negative subliminal programming over your lifetime robbed you of your health and happiness. You simply had more than your fair share of this. As they say. Wrong place, wrong time.

You didn't stand a chance, as you never had the expert tools and strategies that you needed to change that insidious programing and break free...until now!

Why You Need This:

  • Easy to do. No prior experience required, Yours for life.
  • Finally change your unhealthy relationship to food and your body.
  • Desire foods that are more healthy and nutritious. 
  • Create a healthier body and lifestyle.
  • Become a much happier and confident person.
  • Gain greater love and respect for yourself.
  • Stop your inner mind sabotaging your weight loss success every time.
  • Love your life.
  • Finally, become the slimmer confident person that you were always meant to be.

You really can keep the weight off, when you use this essential missing psychological piece, as part of your weight loss regime.

You can listen to an Audio Podcast on our BrainSlim Program a little further down.

Your MIND and Body IS The KEY To a

NEW slimmer You

You Will Love It Too!

This is what Jules, a BrainSlim beta test user had to say.

The BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program

The Science of Biology + Psychology = Faster, Sustained Weight Loss With Less Effort!

Created to help those struggling to lose weight by dieting alone, Once you change your minds hidden blocks to weight loss, success becomes effortless.

Finally, understand the truth that weight loss has to be a dual mind and body approach. Dieting alone will keep you in a perpetual cycle of denial, frustration and weight gain.

This incredible program is finally your key to much easier weight loss and faster results!


NEW - Effective Natural Safe Weight Loss Program
100% NO RISK 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Scientific Approach To Weight Loss
Supports Your Favorite Diet or Weight Loss Method
Easy 4 Week Step By Step Weight Loss Program
Expert Hypnotherapy, Subliminal Audio Sessions
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming Audio Session
Affirmation Audio Session
Psychological Weight Loss Guidebooks
Secure Online VIP Members Area
Program Progress Tracker
Before and After Holistic Assessment - know What Worked
Special BONUSES - Valuable Weight Loss Psychology Bundle

Your MIND and Body IS The KEY To a

NEW slimmer You

Weight Gain

Was NEVER Your Fault 

Everything was always stacked against you. Your inner mind was, secretly working against you, sabotaging your weight loss goals.

Stop making weight loss hard on yourself. FINALLY, have the health, love and happiness that YOU truly deserve!

Say YES to this psychological weight loss Program and reclaim your slimmer life.

How This NEW Program Works!

Weight Loss Hidden Barriers Disappear. Replaced By an Inner Mental Roadmap For Success
You Feel motivated, As Weight Loss Becomes Faster & Easier Each Day
Your Partner Friends and Family Get To See a New Happy, Vibrant, Healthy, Slimmer You
You Get Lifetime Membership To Everything You Need For Natural Weight Loss Success... Guaranteed

The Science

The Essential Missing Piece To Your Weight Loss Success!

This Is Important...

The Science of Biology + Psychology = Faster,

Sustained Weight Loss With Less Effort!

Leading Scientists, Doctors and Researchers now know about the incredible power of the mind and body connection.

Scientific research on the mind is revealing how our thoughts can negatively, or positively impact our life in many ways.

To many to mention here. Even down to cutting edge gene expression and epigenetics. What's important, is for you to know, is that this is a real phenomenon.

That's why we created this Brain Slim, as their are hidden parts of your mind that are unknowingly sabotaging your slimming efforts...all below your conscious awareness. This program positively changes that destructive thinking, for actual weight loss success.

This is not fiction but science fact. For example, over many decades, medicine has been and continues to be tested against controlled placebo and no placebo experiments, as the MIND and Body can create it's own chemicals that are safer, stronger and more beneficial than pharmaceutical alternatives.

The following are only a few examples of leading pioneers in the power of the mind, body scientific field, over the decades to the present day. The Incredible ability of our mind and body to positively change our lives from within, is finally at the forefront of science, and now questions everything that we once knew.

Todays leading experts in the scientific field of the mind.

Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr David Hamilton PhD

Dr Bruce H Lipton PhD

Dawson Church

(Best Selling Author & Scientist)

This isn't woo woo, or science fiction. This is your opportunity to take back control of your weight. Here's why!

Most weight loss guru's either don't know about this, or conveniently omit it, as they want to get rich with your repeat business, buying their expensive pills and supplements. 

Thats right, it's a lucrative business and you're the cash cow. YOU have been inadvertently been trying in vain to slim down using will power alone...the weakest part of your mind.

Today is your unique opportunity, to finally get your body and mind working TOGETHER, and not constantly against your weight loss goals. 

Remember, It was NEVER your fault that you struggled to lose weight. You deserve to know how to apply these HIDDEN weight loss secrets too... Now you can and much more.

Need to know the statistical evidence and research?

We have you covered in a section at the bottom of this page.

Audio Podcast

A discussion on our expert guide.

The Secrets to Weight Loss Success

(Guidebook included in this offer)

Duration Approx 8 Mins


Here's what you'll get today with this

NEW weight loss program

Your VIP Members Area

Ultimate Edition Members area

Shown Below

Session Audio Samples

(3 minutes each)


These sessions are ONLY designed to work when listened to through headphones. When listening without headphones, they will be less effective, and the audio quality will be degraded. They consist of the main weight loss technique, and subconscious weight loss suggestions in the background.

They will relax you. So Only listen to them when you have no distractions, and can safely do so.

Platinum Weight Loss Sessions

The Secrets to Weight Loss Success


30 Easy Weight Loss Strategies


Daily Weight Loss Affirmations


Relax and Unwind into a Slimmer You


Creating a New Confident Slimmer You


Platinum Plus Weight Loss Sessions

Revealing The Beautiful You Trapped Inside


Taking Control Of Your Weight By Modeling What Works


Activating Your Body Fat Burning Controls


Revealing The Beautiful You Trapped Inside


Ultimate Edition Weight Loss Sessions

Uncover and reframe your internal-resistance to weight loss


Discover your path to inner-mind, body, wisdom and healing


Rejecting your inner pain and weight gain


Sculpting your body blueprint to a slimmer you


The Science of Biology + Psychology = Faster, Sustained Weight Loss With Less Effort!

Key Benefits:

  • Train Your Mind for Success:
  • Say goodbye to short-term fixes and hello to a long-term mindset shift. BrainSlim rewires the thought processes that lead to overeating, emotional eating, and lack of motivation.

  • Backed by Science:
  • Our program is grounded in scientific research on habit formation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and neuroplasticity. This isn’t another quick-fix diet—it’s a lasting solution.

  • Effortless Weight Management:
  • You won’t have to rely on willpower alone. Once your mind is on your side, maintaining a healthy weight becomes second nature.

  • No More Yo-Yo Dieting:
  • Finally break free from the cycle of losing and regaining weight. BrainSlim gives you the mental tools to stay consistent and achieve lifelong health.

Let's look at everything that you'll get today, with the BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program

NEW Effective Safe & Natural

Weight Loss Program

The Essential Missing Psychological Part To

Lasting Weight Loss

Your Special VIP Offer:

This Step-by-Step Expert Psychological Weight Loss Program Includes:


Module #1

The Secrets To Weight Loss Success

Psychological Weight Loss Guidebook

Audio Version 22 Minutes Duration

Audio - 30 weight loss Strategies To A Slimmer You

(9 Minutes Duration)

Internal Subliminal Weight Loss Suggestions In Both Tracks

Your Brain and Your Diet Guidebook

$45.00 Value

Module #2 -

Relax and Unwind Into a NEW Slimmer You

HQ Audio - Hypnotherapy Session

(22 Minutes Duration)

Affirmations Audio Session

(9 Minutes Duration)

Internal Subliminal Weight Loss Suggestions In Both Tracks

$45.00 Value

Module #3 -

Creating a More Confident, Slimmer You

HQ Audio - Hypnotherapy Session

(25 Minutes Duration)

NLP Audio Session (Shorter Version)

(12 Minutes)

Internal Subliminal Weight Loss Suggestions In Both Tracks

$45.00 Value

Your VIP Bonuses

Your Early bird Psychological Weight Loss Related Bonuses:

The Psychology Behind Weight Loss


20 Psych Blocks To Weight-Loss


Breaking Psych Blocks To Weight Loss Workbook.

Everything is in your VIP members area, when you join today!

Plus, some extra unannounced bonuses too.

Bonus Value


Ai Coach Included In The Ultimate and Platinum Plus Editions

Platinum Plus Edition shown below.

Your Own Ai Coach

A Specialist In Psychological

Weight Loss 

 Get expert help and support with:

Platinum Plus Edition

Specialist Psychological Weight Loss Expert

Ultimate Edition

Specialist Psychological and Emotional Eating Expert

Search the web

Upload your own documents for analysis

Your Expert Ai Coach will guide you on your own personal weight loss journey to

lasting weight loss and more!

 Minimum Value


BMI Calculator

Included with all BrainSlim Editions

Secure Your Access To The Brain Slim Weight Loss Mastery Program Today And Secure Your Special 'earlybird' VIP Discount Price + Bonuses

Finally, make your favorite eating plans, diets, supplements and exercise regimes work at an optimal level for you!


There Is NO RISK . We Want You To Be Absolutely Thrilled

With The BrainSlim Program

In the unlikely event, that within 30 days you're not delighted by your new happier, healthier, slimmer self too. Simply email us with your proof of purchase, and get a full refund. No risk, stress or hassle. It's a simple as that.

Take Control of Your Weight Today!

It’s time to stop the cycle of frustration and start a journey that will last a lifetime. The BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery Program is the key to unlocking a healthier, more empowered version of yourself.

So, are you ready to transform your mind and body for good?

BrainSlim Weight Loss Mastery VIP Member

" It's been 6 months, and my son doesn't

have to hide his chocolate from me

anymore " 

Beverly Chatfield

3x Premium Editions Available

Secure Your founder VIP Discount 

This is a limited time special VIP offer. So, get it at our lowest ever price.

Use these discount coupons them while you can!

Platinum Edition Use Discount Code:

SAVE20 for $20.00 OFF

Platinum Plus Edition Use Discount Code

SAVE30 for $30.00 OFF

Ultimate Edition Use Discount Code

SAVE50 for $50.00 OFF


Platinum Edition



Founder Pricing $57.00

BMI Calculator

Psychological Weight Loss


Your Brain and Your Diet


Audio Session #1

Psychological Weight Loss

Audio Session #2

30 Slimming Strategies

Audio Session #3

Slimming Affirmations

Audio Session #4

The Secrets To Weight Loss Success

Audio Session #5

Relax and Unwind Into a NEW Slimmer You

Audio Session #6

Relax and Unwind Into a NEW Slimmer You

VIP Bonuses

Psychological Weight Loss Bundle

The Psychology Behind Weight Loss Guidebook

Breaking Psych Blocks To Weight Loss Workbook.

20 Psychological Blocks To Weight Loss Guidebook

Weight Loss Mindset Checklist

Total Value


Coupon Code SAVE20


Platinum Plus



Founder Pricing $97.00

Everything In Platinum


Expert Psychological Weight Loss

Ai Coach

1, Ask your Ai Coach anything about the psychology of weight loss

Audio Session #7

Revealing The Beautiful You Trapped Inside

Audio Session #8

Taking Control Of Your Weight By Modeling What Works

Audio Session #9

Activating Your Body Fat Burning Controls

VIP Bonuses

Psychological Weight Loss - Upgrade

The Mind and Body Connection


Eat Your Way To Calm


Health Hero Guidebook

Gluten Free Diet Basics


40 Motivation Weight Loss


Psychological Blocks Video

Mindset Shifts Video

30 day weight loss challenge

Total Value


Coupon Code: SAVE30


Ultimate Edition



Founder Pricing $147.00

Everything in Platinum and Platinum Plus


Personal Specialist Weight Loss

Ai Coach

1, Ask your Ai Coach anything about the psychology of weight loss

2, Ask your Ai Coach anything about emotional eating

3, Search the web

4, Upload documents for Personalized Help

Audio Session #10

Uncover and reframe your internal-resistance to weight loss

Audio Session #11

Discover your path to inner-mind, body, wisdom and healing

Audio Session #12

Rejecting your inner pain and weight gain

Audio Session #13

Sculpting your body blueprint to a slimmer you

VIP Bonuses

Emotional Eating Bundle

The Emotional Eating Guidebook

Stop The Cycle Of Emotional Eating Guidebook

Emotional Eating 101 Guidebook

Emotional Eating Self Assessment

40 Emotional Eating Affirmations

The power of Your Subconscious Guidebook

Total Value


Coupon Code: SAVE50

Your MIND and Body IS The Actual KEY To a NEW slimmer You

Designed to promote effortless lasting, healthy natural weight loss,

and to finally make your favorite diet or eating plan work for you too!

Please Note:

We are passionate about helping people just like you, who struggle with their weight, to have the missing piece to successful weight loss. Dieting alone, without targeting old negative habits and belief, only leads to disappointment and failure over and over again.

It's time to create a new life, and the BrainSlim Program is your access pass to a vibrant happier, healthier, slimmer you or your money back guaranteed!

Don't take our word for it. Try it for yourself. Go through the program for 30 days, and if you don't look and feel better about yourself, we will refund you completely. So, if your fed up with your current weight and life, this is your opportunity to change all of that today!.


No diet or calorie restriction etc, will work for you, if your subconscious or inner mind isn't on your side. If you've tried the other stuff and keep yo yo dieting and gaining weight, then you 100% need this.

We do know that we could charge way more for this offer. After all, people are paying much more on a monthly basis for some

basic meal plans and a calorie tracker alone.

For us, our goal is simple. To give you an affordable way to finally break free of your cycle of weight gain, and have effortless, natural, lasting weight loss!

This program and audio sessions were created and narrated by a multi-trained therapist, with over 15 years of knowledge and experience in Clinical Hypnotherapy (Omni-Graduate, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Diploma), Advanced Psychotherapy (Dip)

and Psychological Immunology (Dip)

N Bashér

Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist



Scientific Evidence

Hypnotherapy for

Weight Loss

Evidence on efficacy of hypnotherapy for weight loss:

Hypnotherapy shows promising results for weight loss, with several studies indicating its effectiveness when combined with other weight management strategies.

Information sources:

The information comes from peer-reviewed studies, systematic reviews, and clinical trials published in reputable medical journals.

Hypnotherapy and weight loss statistics:

- Hypnosis participants lost an average of 17 pounds compared to 0.5 pounds in the control group in one study.

- Hypnosis subjects continued to lose weight at 8-month and 2-year follow-ups, while non-hypnosis subjects showed little further change.

- In a meta-analysis, hypnosis was found to be more than twice as effective as traditional weight loss approaches.

Scientific statistics:

"Those who received hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis, and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended."

"A significant weight loss was observed in the hypnosis intervention group (-4.61%) compared to the control group (-3.04%) after 12 weeks."

Additional Information

Hypnotherapy for weight loss works by addressing underlying psychological factors that contribute to overeating or unhealthy eating habits. It can help:

- Increase motivation for healthy lifestyle changes

- Reduce emotional eating

- Improve self-esteem and body image

- Enhance relaxation and stress management skills

Some studies suggest that the benefits of hypnosis for weight loss increase over time, indicating its potential for long-term weight management.

It's important to note that while hypnotherapy shows promise, it should be used as part of a comprehensive weight loss program that includes proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Results may vary among individuals, and multiple sessions are typically required for optimal outcomes.

When considering hypnotherapy for weight loss, it's crucial to work with a qualified and certified hypnotherapist who has experience in weight management. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy can be influenced by factors such as the individual's suggestibility, motivation, and commitment to the process.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9758970/

[2] https://dynamicweightloss101.com/hypnotherapy/research-statistics/

[3] https://www.b-hypnotized.com/hypnosis-blog/success-rates-of-hypnosis-for-weight-loss

[4] https://www.londonhypnotherapy.org/hypnotherapy-research-effectiveness-hypnotherapy-for-weight-loss.php

[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35108492/

[6] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hypnosis-for-weight-loss

[7] https://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/memberarticles/how-effective-is-hypnotherapy-for-insomnia

[8] https://www.livescience.com/what-is-sleep-hypnosis-and-does-it-really-work

If, you still need to know more, we have a

Q&A below

Common Questions & Answers

BrainSlim FAQ

1. Why do most diets fail?

Most diets focus solely on the physical aspects of weight loss, neglecting the crucial psychological component. They address what to eat but not why we overeat. The BrainSlim program acknowledges the powerful role of the subconscious mind in shaping eating habits.

2. How does the subconscious mind affect weight loss?

The subconscious mind stores deeply ingrained beliefs and habits, some of which can sabotage weight loss efforts. Negative self-talk, past experiences with food, and societal conditioning all contribute to these subconscious patterns.

3. What is 'negative reinforcement' and how does it impact me?

Negative reinforcement refers to the critical voice inside your head that perpetuates a cycle of failure. It tells you "you can't lose weight" or "you'll always be overweight", reinforcing negative patterns and hindering your progress.

4. Can I reprogram my subconscious mind for weight loss success?

Absolutely! The BrainSlim program utilizes scientifically proven techniques like hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and subconscious affirmations to replace negative patterns with positive, empowering beliefs.

5. What are 'conscious affirmations' and how can they help?

Conscious affirmations involve consciously repeating positive statements about yourself and your weight loss goals. By consistently feeding your mind these empowering messages, you can overwrite old, negative beliefs.

6. Can I utilize sleep to support my weight loss journey?

Yes, your subconscious mind is highly receptive during sleep. By engaging in positive visualization or listening to affirmations before bed, you can program your mind for weight loss success while you sleep.

7. What is the most important thing to remember on my weight loss journey?

Lasting weight loss is a journey that requires a holistic approach. By addressing both the psychological and physiological aspects of weight management, and combining the BrainSlim program with conscious efforts, you can achieve sustainable and life-changing results.

How does the BrainSlim program work?

The Science of Biology + Psychology = Faster, Sustained Weight Loss With Less Effort!

This program is 100% natural and works by positively changing the negative HIDDEN inner or subconscious mind programming, that has been created over a lifetime of false weight loss beliefs, that then control your psychology and biology. Reframing your old negative sabotaging beliefs (below your awareness) is the key. Using Psychology, Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Subliminal Suggestion, Positive Affirmations and the science of Epigenetics.

These safe proven tried and tested techniques work through each of our unique and expertly mastered audio sessions. Each one is designed to change different negative thought patterns and beliefs, that knowingly and unknowingly sabotage the weight loss process.

Simply find a safe place to relax and put on some headphones (for maximum effectiveness). Each powerful yet deeply relaxing session will then go to work changing old negative thought programs into new neural pathways that support your weight loss diets and goals. Creating a happier, healthier, slimmer you.

We created this psychological weight loss product as conscious willpower and dieting on its own is NOT enough to ensure lasting weight loss. When you use your favorite dieting method WITH our program, weight loss becomes becomes a lot easier, and more enjoyable for you.

Though you can use the BrainSlim program on its own for successful weight loss, we recommend using it to supercharge your favorite dieting method for even FASTER results. You now have in your possession the key to the very latest psychological tools, to ensure that you FINALLY have lasting, fast and easy weight loss, and above all, a NEW confident, slimmer YOU.

Don't keep making the same old demoralizing weight loss mistakes over and over again. Invest in your slimmer future self.. Become a VIP member today; then simply follow our easy step by step blueprint to feeling great, and HAVING the natural weight loss that you deserve in just a few weeks from now.

Please Note:

This product is suitable for BOTH men and women.

How do I access my weight loss solution?

You will have instant 365/24 hour lifetime access to our secure VIP online members area. There you will be easily be able to access the weight loss program and your bonuses. If you have any questions, please contact support or use the chat in the members area, and we will get back to you. Your secure members login page and password will be sent to the email that you provide to us in the payment cart.

Don't forget to put in your discount coupon code.

Do I need to get anything else?

This VIP versions of the BrainSlim weight loss program is 100% complete for its intended purpose. However, there are additional discounted upsells in the sales funnel for VIP members who wish to benefit from them too. These are entirely optional.

Plus, our premium bonuses are worth the price of this alone. We have given you everything that you need in one incredible package. We guarantee that if you apply what's inside the members area, weight loss will no longer be something in your life that you need to be concerned or stressed about.

That's our 100% real as it gets, NO RISK 30 day weight loss promise to you!

Why Doesn't This Cost More?

You may be thinking... 'Why doesn't it cost more? Simply because, we like to provide value to our customers whenever we can. However, this is a founder offer, so the price will increase over time. So, take advantage of it while you can.

On this occasion you were lucky enough to discover one of our popular VIP offers. However, please note that these offers can be removed or changed without warning, as part of our marketing endeavors.

Therefore, if you have an opportunity to purchase an offer that you like, we recommend that you do so at that time, to avoid any disappointment.

Now that you are here, we hope that you choose to become a life-time customer of ours, and consider purchasing future offers that we believe will help you too.

We absolutely do not spam our customers with junk mail, and will only reach out to you if we feel it will definitely be of benefit to you.

You getting our Brain Slim Program at an 'early bird' founder discount...

So. secure your Access Pass & Bonuses, while our VIP doors are still open!

Ai Coach Fair Usage Policy

Your Expert Ai Coach is designed to assist you on your own personal weight loss journey.

Your expert Ai Coach has been trained specifically on psychological weight loss.

Your Ai Coach can help you with any weight loss questions that you may have in this aspect of weight loss, and has been created to be friendly, supportive and encouraging. Providing positive and helpful feedback and suggestions for you.

Our Ai Coach is always available day or night, and on hand when you need a chat and some weight loss advice.

Remember that our Ai coach is not perfect, and like all new Ai tools, they can sometimes, hallucinate and get things wrong. So be nice in the chat if your coach miss-understands or gives the wrong answer from time to time.

Due to the ever-changing standard of Ai models and their varied abilities, we cannot guarantee that all the weight loss input suggestions will work as described.

We hope that you understand, and that it doesn't detract from your enjoyment and its usefulness.

IMPORTANT (Fair Use Policy)

We have given founder VIP users UNLIMITED usage to our Ai Coach; (Meaning, that there is no limit to the number of questions that you can ask the Ai in the chat).

However, it does come with a fair usage policy.

If the number of users using the Ai Coach each month exceeds our system limits, we may have to set actual hard limits, to ensure that all users can continue to benefit from the service as intended.

This fair use policy will NOT affect normal users of this Ai Coach service.

This service is an ongoing expense to us. The fair usage policy is to ensure that we can continue to provide this service as part of this program.

Ai in today's world is a quantum leap in its information and reasoning capabilities, and is improving all the time. Our Ai Coach will be your new weight loss friend, whenever you need support and advice.

We hope that you enjoy and benefit from this very wise slimming coach too.

The Ai coach is designed to be of invaluable assistance in your weight loss goals going forward.

Is there a money back guarantee?

YES. We have a 'NO RISK' 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. We are so confident that you will love this VIP program, that if for any reason you don't love it too, then contact us for a FULL and prompt refund.

You don't need to take our word for it or that of our valued customers. You can experience it for yourself for a full 30 days. So, take advantage of this very special VIP offer while you can.

Thank you for getting this far. Now go all in, and get started. If you hesitate now, everything stays the same. We believe in you. Now is the time for you to believe in yourself. You really can do this.

We look forward to being part of your new weight loss success story.


Your Psychology (Mind) and Biology (Body) IS The KEY To a NEW Slimmer You

Designed to promote effortless, lasting, healthy natural weight loss, and... to finally make your favorite diet or eating plan work for you

Copyright 2024 BrainSlim.com - All Rights Reserved